SSC Maintenance Weekend – 02/11 – 6pm-12am

SSC will undergo maintenance this Saturday for the network and…

*COMPLETED*Barracuda upgrade – 12/28/16 – 9am-5pm

SSC will upgrade it's main spam filter, Barracuda, on December…

*COMPLETED* SSC CCLE Maintenance – 12/20/16

Updated: 12/20/16 @ 11:40am. The class site server maintenance…

*COMPLETED* Email Maintenance – 03/09/2016

SSC will be making changes to the Client Access Servers (CAS)…

Email maintenance – MLK weekend – 01/15-01/17

SSC will perform email maintenance on some of the mailbox databases.…

SSCNet Server Migration – 09/11/2015

SSC is migrating sites hosted on to a new…

Eduroam Radius server maintenance – 08/21/15

Eduroam Authentication Radius server will be up and down on Friday,…

*COMPLETED* Bunche Power Outage – 08/19/15

Facilities will be performing electrical power gear replacement…

*COMPLETED* Rolfe Power Outage

Electrical service for the entire Rolfe Hall will experience…

Campus Wide Power Blip – 07/26/15 – 6:30am

UCLA Campus experienced a campus wide Power Blip on Sunday, July…