Individual Labs

  • Public Affairs 2035B – 51 Workstations
  • Public Affairs 2400A – 45 Workstations
  • Public Affairs 2400 – 60 Workstations
  • Bunche 2159 – 30 AfterHours Remote Access Workstations (24 hour remote availability only)


As part of SSCERT’s ramp-up to on-campus work and learning, our current hours of operation for Fall Quarter, effective Thursday, Sept. 23 are as follows:

Monday-Thursday 9am – 6pm
Friday 9am – 5pm

Labs not being used by a scheduled class will be available for drop-ins during these times.

AfterHours remote access will be available after 6pm Monday-Friday until 7am the following day, and 24 hours on weekends.