•  Social Sciences Computing welcomes your suggestions and ideas about new technologies or features you would like to see in our labs! Send your ideas to [icon name=”envelope” class=””] feedback@ssc.ucla.edu.
  • Want to use SSC software from home?  Remote Access is available after hours, accessible with your current SSC account. If you are interested in this feature visit our AFTERHOURS page for instructions or email [icon name=”envelope” class=””] remote@ssc.ucla.edu
  • If you have a print balance from a previous quarter, not including the $10 print credit, please speak to a front desk consultant.
  • Printing costs $0.10 for b/w and $0.50 for color. See the front desk for print deposits; we only accept Bruin Card payments.
    Double click the ‘$’ in the bottom right corner for your print balance.
