*COMPLETED* 8/13/21 – Windows Security Patches
SSC-ERT Windows Servers will be rebooted on Friday, June 11,…

*COMPLETED* 7/16/21 – Windows Security Patches
After addressing the 0-day PrintNightmare CVE last week, SSC-ERT…

*COMPLETED* 7/9/21 – Windows Security Patches
SSC-ERT and SSC-LABS Windows Servers will be rebooted on Friday,…

Listserv 17
SSCERT will be upgrading the Listserv software on 7/3/21 from…

COMPLETED – 06/18/21 – WebTeam Hardware Maintenance
6:40PM - The WebTeam has completed the hardware maintenance.…

*COMPLETED* 6/11/21 – Windows Security Patches
SSC-ERT Windows Servers will be rebooted on Friday, June 11,…

05/28/21 – 8pm – Windows Server patches
Due to a bug in Microsoft, some of the servers were not fully…

*COMPLETED* 5/14/21 – Windows Security Patches
SSC-ERT Windows Servers will be rebooted on Friday, May 14, around…

*COMPLETED * 05/15/21 – 11am – Barracuda Spam Appliance hardware replacement
On Saturday, May 15th, at 11am, the Barracuda spam appliance…

*COMPLETED* 05/08/21 – Zambezi hardware maintenance
The Zambezi server will be up and down from 4pm-7pm for hardware…