Application Development

SSC has an administrative programming team which develops business applications for the Social Sciences departments. SSC also offers limited consultation with individual departments on building web applications and databases.

Some of the applications that we have developed:

    • GLASS (General Ledger Access for the Social Sciences)
    • ClassScheduler
    • ISSR Budgeting System
    • RATS (Research Application Tracking System)
    • Custom Web Reporting Applications
    • Custom Database Programming

Contact Aleksandr Lipetsky for more information.

EDB/IDOC Printing

SSC can assist you in setting up with AIS the ability to print IDOCs from the campus EDB system. A laser printer hooked directly to your parallel port, or with a network adapter is required by AIS. Contact the SSC Support Desk for further details.


SSC offers webspace for faculty, departments, and UCLA Social Sciences affiliated groups and projects. SSC will consult with you to figure out the best way to design and build your website. However, please keep in mind that due to resource limitation, SSC handles consultations on a case-by-case basis.

Some of the services available include:

    • Introductory training in HTML editing and file uploads
    • Uploads via Secure-FTP and Samba and shell access via SSH
    • CGI and PHP scripting enabled
    • MySQL database available
    • Web design and graphics consultation
    • Database driven personal home pages (see Anthropology and Sociology faculty home pages)
    • ProfWeb sites – ClassWeb like sites for projects or groups
    • Wiki sites – simple group-editing sites (e.g. Wikipedia) for projects or groups
    • Interactive website consultation
    • Assistance with debugging and script design
    • Assistance in requesting special hostnames or aliases
    • Regular tape backup of websites and databases

Graduate Student Databases

SSC has a graduate student web database that allows students to list their research interests, grants and awards, advisors, and update their contact information. Not all departments choose to use this service, and for those that do, it is up to each student to decide if their name will appear.

Departments using graduate student databases:

    • Anthropology
    • Geography (click on People, then Grad Students)
    • Political Science