Individual Labs

  • Public Affairs 2035B – 51 Workstations
  • Public Affairs 2400A – 45 Workstations
  • Public Affairs 2400 – 60 Workstations
  • Bunche 2159 – 30 Workstations (24 hour AfterHours lab only)

Lab Accounts

Lab accounts are for personal use only and intended to be used for a single machine at a time. Sharing accounts is a violation of SSC user policy. SSC will not be held responsible for missing funds in print deposit logs when accounts are shared. Original user will be held responsible for all consequences arising from a shared account. Violating the user policy may result in a revoked account.

Labs Can Be Used For:

  • Drop-ins for undergraduate and graduate personal use
  • Formal instructional classes
  • Training sessions by IT staff
  • SSC approved staff or faculty training sessions
  • SSC approved meetings
  • Other group uses as approved by SSC
  • Class web pages and course materials. Students enrolled in a Social Science class also have access to kiosks that allow the viewing and printing of class web page material such as syllabi, notes, and readings.
  • Scanning equipment is available for anyone with a current SSC account

General Lab Rules

  • No food or drinks are allowed in the labs
  • Equipment, including chairs, cannot be removed from the labs
  • Users are responsible for saving their own work and backups. Files should be saved on flash drives, emailed, or uploaded.
  • Hours of operation may vary. Please check our hours and availability.

Lab Maintenance and Security

All machines and lab equipment are the responsibility of Social Sciences Computing. Users are asked to help maintain the labs cleanliness and appearance. There are trash cans and recycling bins available by the Front Desk.


Physical and verbal abuse towards front desk consultants will not be tolerated. Any incidents involving violation of this policy will result in revocation of lab privileges and with possible UCPD involvement.